
Enhance Your Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns with Creative Diversification

Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns (ASC) are revolutionizing performance marketing on Meta. Through AI-backed machine learning and automation, the format dynamically serves your ads to the highest value shoppers –  audiences that are most likely to convert. 

This is a powerful campaign type that should receive a significant slice of your spend on Meta. But this power can only be fully realized when you have access to a regularly refreshed repository of creative

This article explores the key role that creative diversification plays in Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns and how Shuttlerock, as a Meta Creative Partner, can help you achieve this. 

But before getting into this, let’s first get a better understanding of what Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns are and the benefits they offer. 


What are Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns? 

Part of Meta’s Advantage+ suite of products, Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns are designed to help performance-focused advertisers drive online sales with greater efficiency. Essentially, the campaigns enable you to deliver relevant creative to your highest-intent shoppers. 

ASC allows you to bring all of your performance objectives – prospecting, retargeting, and retention – under a single campaign. Within these campaigns, all components are automated by Meta: audience, budget, creative, optimization, and destination. This makes campaign management much easier by eliminating tedious manual tasks.


What can you achieve with Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns?

  • Remove guesswork by automatically testing up to 150 creative combinations and deliver the highest performing creative across all placements. 

  • Combine catalog ads (formerly known as dynamic ads) with regular video and static placements in one campaign without splitting your budget. 

  • Accelerate campaign optimization. This used to take five weeks, but now only takes two with the help of machine learning.

  • Achieve stronger performance with an average 17% improvement in cost per acquisition (CPA) and a 32% increase in return on ad spend (ROAS).


To learn how to set up an Advantage+ Shopping Campaign, visit this page on the Meta Business Help Center. 


The importance of creative diversification

Along with machine learning and automation, the other core component of Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns is creative diversification

To allow the ASC algorithm to do its thing, it needs to be fed a diverse range of creative assets. The more diversification the better. Meta recommends running 10 unique creative assets as a minimum. However, for optimal results, this number should be more in the realm of 20–30.



But why is this so crucial? Well, as we all know, signal loss has had a big impact on Meta advertising. Targeting based on lookalike and interest audiences has lost much of its power. In this new era, creative is the new targeting

Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns are built around this premise. Starting with broad targeting (the preset is country-level), the system then tests different creative against different audiences to see what is resonating, and with whom. From this testing, targeting is then optimized to reach audiences with the highest purchase intent. For example, let’s say you're selling a brand of sunscreen that targets middle-aged hikers in the midwest, but the group resonating most with your product are young surfers in California.

This only works if you have a diverse range of creative to draw on.


Making creative diversification easy, with Shuttlerock

Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns can use up to 150 different pieces of creative. And that’s just for a single campaign. Most marketers will find it difficult to achieve such high volumes. With Shuttlerock, it doesn’t have to be.

Producing creative at high volume and variation is our bread and butter. We specialize in making it quick, easy, and cost-effective for you as a marketer to fulfill all of your creative needs – and then some! 

We achieve this by enabling you to repurpose your existing assets. You supply us with what you’ve got and our in-house team of designers will deliver the creative you need. Through our dedicated creative tech, we then make it easy to iterate and refresh assets. 



There are three main ways we help brands diversify their creative: 

  1. Diversify with Visuals: Showcase your product/service in different ways by experimenting with different visual techniques and treatments.

  2. Diversify with Messaging: Try a variety of opening hooks, speak to different motivators, highlight a range of offers, and mix-up your CTAs. Messaging iterations enable you to reach new audiences while also testing what gels with existing ones. 

  3. Diversify with Placements: Use a mixture of video and static images. Make full use of the Meta ecosystem by creating variations for Stories, Reels, In-Feed, Catalog, Collection, Instant Experience, and more.


An example of a campaign with a high level of creative diversity can be seen below. Hair care brand, Prose, worked with Shuttlerock to test a bunch of different creative concepts, with each speaking to a unique motivator and featuring different visuals and messaging. 


Explore how Shuttlerock can help your brand

If you would like to learn more about Shuttlerock’s creative solution, and how it can enable you to diversify and scale your creative, please feel free to request a demo or get in touch with a representative in your region. 


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