Shuttlerock Product Pulse: October 2023

Hello again! All of us here on the Shuttlerock product team hope your Q4 is off to a strong (and not too overwhelming) start.

For this month’s Product Pulse update, we’ll highlight three recent quality-of-life improvements across the briefing and revision workflows that give you more precise control over your creative outputs.

We’ll mirror the project process and start with the briefing-related update, then move to two helpful new features in the revisions workflow.




New Feature: Messaging Notes

You may already be familiar with a feature in ShuttlerockCloud called Asset Notes (if not, you can learn all about it in our July Product Pulse). Asset Notes give you the option to provide our designers with specific instructions tied to an individual input asset during briefing.

Messaging Notes follow the same basic idea, but are applied to the copy fields of your brief, including Primary Message, Secondary Message, and Call-to-action (CTA). In the main copy fields you provide the actual copy for your creative (e.g. “Shop Now!”), but you can now include additional design instructions specific to each copy field.

Messaging Notes Feature

So, how might this feature be used? Let’s say your Secondary Copy input is “Try our new flavors: Peach, Strawberry, and Black Cherry”. Using the optional Messaging Notes field, you can tell our designers: “Show one flavor on screen at a time, in orange balloon-style letters for Peach, red for Strawberry, and purple for Black Cherry”.

This allows you to communicate your vision in a clear, organized way so our designers can bring your idea to life and cut down on the number of revisions needed.


New Feature: Freeform Revision Annotations

During the revisions process, our goal is to efficiently capture clear feedback with minimal time investment on your part. Previously you could highlight a specific area of the creative tied to your revision request using a basic selection box, but this fell short if you needed to highlight multiple parts of the creative or convey more complex visual feedback.

Now, with our freeform annotation tool, you can draw any shape, arrow, or other visual feedback right over the top of your creative. Want that CTA copy moved? Just draw an arrow to exactly where it should go. Need to remove a few visual elements from a frame? Just X them out.

Freeform Revision Annotation

In addition to the freeform option, we’ll soon be adding multiple basic shapes (i.e. squares, lines and arrows) so you can pick the best tool for the situation each time you’re submitting revisions.


New Feature: Revision Replies

Collaboration between project stakeholders, including agency partners, is critical during the creative review and revision process. To make it easier to get everyone on the same page, we’re adding the ability for members of your team to reply directly to any revision comments.

Revision Replies

With this feature, your team will be able to raise (and answer) questions, confirm alignment on feedback, and build on each others’ ideas right in ShuttlerockCloud – and give our designers maximum context to confidently and accurately revise your creative. That’s a “win-win” scenario!


Tip of the Month: Embrace Experimentation with AI Brief Assistant

In the August edition of Product Pulse we told you all about an exciting new beta feature, the AI Brief Assistant. This gives you the flexibility to input a new idea, or paste in brief details in any format and have AI build it into a complete brief optimized for our designers.

As of October, approximately 1 in 4 project briefs submitted by our customers originate from the AI Brief Assistant – even while it remains in an experimental beta testing stage. This quickly-growing adoption speaks to the time-saving benefits and added value of having AI build out and enhance your ideas right in ShuttlerockCloud.

AI Brief Assistant

If you haven’t tried it already, we encourage you to give it a go, especially in light of some recent improvements that will improve your experience and enable more experimentation:

  • After you’ve generated an initial brief, you’ll now see a purple “Brief Assistant” button at the top of the page to re-open the prompt, change input details, and re-generate an updated brief.

  • We’ve updated the GPT model that powers the AI Brief Assistant and made other updates that improve everything from concept naming to deliverable format selection.

Who knows, your next great concept may be generated by AI. And best of all, we promise the Brief Assistant won’t get mad if you take credit for it with your boss.



Finally, in the spirit of Q4 and the upcoming holiday season, we want to highlight the new Holiday Season Hub put together by our marketing team. You’ll find the latest creative strategies and holiday tips from partners like Meta and TikTok, all in one place. Pretty helpful!

That’s all for this month. We’ll see you next time.

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