
How Can Agile Creative Solutions Help Your Brand During The Holidays?

The holiday season—featuring an all-star lineup of key sales dates such as Singles’ Day, Black Friday, and Christmas—is just around the corner. Many of you reading this will already be well underway with planning campaigns and sourcing creative for this all-important Q4 period.

Planning early for holiday campaigns is without a doubt a good thing. It can be scary how quickly these dates come around each year, and if you haven’t prepared ahead of time, you can very easily get caught napping.  

However, something that I have started to notice is that despite the level of planning that goes into a campaign, unforeseen circumstances or new opportunities will inevitably pop up, requiring you to deviate from your plans. It is therefore beneficial to be agile with how you produce your creative. 

Today’s digitally dominated campaigns are complex, often composed of hundreds of assets spread across a number of different channels. The more complex a campaign is, the more contingencies that can occur, making it extremely difficult to predict with any certainty how things will pan out until your campaign actually goes live and the numbers start funnelling back. 

Let’s say that your Black Friday campaign gets underway, and you begin to see how things are performing. It’s quite likely—for a bunch of potential reasons—that you may wish to quickly make some changes to your creatives, or add some completely new ones. Perhaps a certain channel or placement is proving to be more effective than expected, and you wish to stoke the flames with some fresh assets. Or, you may want to adjust your ad’s copy to speak to a new audience segment. 

In order to take advantage of these opportunities, brands need to have agile creative solutions at the ready—enabling you to adapt, or produce, new creative when time is of the essence.


Why is this so important? 

For most, the holiday period offers the biggest opportunity to drive sales. During the 2020 holiday period, online sales revenue for November and December in the U.S alone recorded a record $188.2billion

For advertisers, these eye-watering numbers suggest that being able to refine your campaigns—even if they are just small tweaks such as copy changes or swapping out products—can make a huge difference to your ultimate holiday season success.


How can Shuttlerock help? 

Shuttlerock’s Creative-as-a-Service model has been formed to answer the need for speed that exists when building creative in today’s digital landscape. Cloud-based technology, coupled with a unique digital-first production model allows us to produce creative quickly and efficiently. As this article has outlined, speed in asset creation is a huge factor during the holidays, and Shuttlerock is here to help. 

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