Friday Feature

Friday Feature: The Beard Club

The Beard Club is on a mission to help Men look their best by equipping them with top quality grooming products, delivered to their door. However, being true to its name, The Beard Club goes further than simply offering great products at affordable prices—the brand constitutes a community of beard enthusiasts where members feel a sense of kinsmanship with each other whilst on their beard grStIves_GIFowing journey. 

In order to open the door to new members, the team at The Beard Club planned a Facebook & Instagram ad campaign centred around their PT45 Electric Trimmer

Although the core objective of the campaign was to drive click-through and subsequent conversions of the featured product, the team hoped that it would also help in introducing new audiences to the brand along with the diverse range of products that they offer. 

To communicate this layered message to online audiences, video was determined to be the most effective medium. However, with budgetary limitations a factor, The Beard Club’s digital team approached Shuttlerock to help them repurpose imagery used for other promotional efforts into a set of dynamic video ads that stood out on social. 

The Beard Club Video Ad


Creative Breakdown

1. Viewer attention is maintained through the use of dynamic transitions

As mentioned earlier, although the ad is centred around the electric trimmer product, it also works on a secondary level to introduce audiences to The Beard Club’s diverse range of products. 

In order to successfully communicate this message, it was essential for the ad to be configured in a way so the information is first easily digestible for audiences, and designed in a way that maintains viewer engagement right through until the end call-to-action frame. 

To achieve this, the video dynamically shuffles between different sections, with each featuring a bold, concise piece of copy. By playing with the geometry of the screen to transition between these key-frames the ad is never static—it flows smoothly, sustaining viewer attention whilst communicating a strong message within a short duration.


2. Visual textures are used to catch the eye and provide a premium finish

To compliment the transitions mentioned above, a number of different visual layers helped to fragment the frame, catching the eye of audiences and directing them towards key elements such as the featured products and copy. These layers also helped to give the video a visual feel in line with The Beard Club’s brand identity. By using these textures, the ad developed an authentic, Americana feel. 

As well as working within the brand identity of The Beard Club, the attention to detail gives the ad a premium finish—something that is becoming increasingly important on social channels such as Facebook & Instagram. 

As these platforms mature, users are using creative as a criterion by which the quality of a product or service is determined. The use of video as opposed to imagery provides a leg up here, however, brands should ensure that they invest in top quality creative with a high attention to detail. 




The Beard Club Friday Feature Quote

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