
How CaaS Helps Erase Your Video Creative Frustrations

Learn how Shuttlerock’s Creative as a Service (CaaS) solution makes video creative production easy. With expert in-house designers, dedicated tech, speedy turnarounds, and fixed-cost pricing, CaaS helps to make your life as a marketer easier.  


Video creative doesn't have to be scary

Let’s face it, producing video creative can be a frustratingly complicated process. There are a lot of moving parts and many areas where friction can occur—making it difficult to get the video creative you need, when you need it. 

Some of this can be attributed to the sheer scale and variety of video creative, combined with the tight deadlines that today’s marketers face. Other issues can be chalked up to multiple—often remote—teams collaborating on a project and struggling to stay on the same page. When you’ve got a hundred ‌other things on your plate, these complications only make your job as a marketer a lot harder and more stressful.



At Shuttlerock, we saw how brands were being held back from reaching their potential across digital because of the complications surrounding producing video creative. So, we set out to change things. 

With CaaS, we identified the areas in the creative production process that were causing problems. We then went back to the drawing board, thinking of how things could be done better and more aligned with the requirements of today’s brands. 

To show this, let’s walk through four of the areas where CaaS can make your life as a marketer less complicated when it comes to producing video creative:


  1. Keep your creative on-brand, everytime

  2. Free-up time with streamlined tech

  3. Never miss a deadline with speedy turnarounds

  4. Say goodbye to budget blowouts


Avoiding common creative frustrations with CaaS

#1 Keep your creative on-brand, everytime

As you know, brand guidelines are extremely important and need to be consistently adhered to with each piece of creative that you produce. However, it can take time before a designer or team of designers get fully up-to speed understanding ‌the ins and outs of your brand. 

If you’re using freelancers—either directly or through a solution that serves as an intermediary—inconsistencies can seep in due to different projects being worked on by different designers.

With CaaS, we don’t connect you with freelancers. Instead, we connect you with our in-house production studios—made up of world-class motion graphics designers and animators. This gives you continuity; you work with a consistent team that has a deep understanding of your brand.

We also use tech to support this. On our platform, ShuttlerockCloud, you can set up Brand Profiles, enabling you to store all brand-related assets and guidelines. This Brand Profile is automatically added to each creative brief that you submit, meaning it’s super easy for our designers to refer to when working on your creative.




#2 Free up time with dedicated tech

Speaking of technology, why is it that dedicated tech has been so sparsely used in the creative production process? Many brands are still submitting briefs using Google docs, receiving their creative through a file transfer platform, and then submitting revisions via email. This is a disconnected, inefficient way of collaborating on creative.

With CaaS, each stage of the process happens in a single location—ShuttlerockCloud. 


  • Guided briefs: give designers all the info they need, and nothing they need. Select the formats you need, fill out some simple campaign details, and add some copy (supported by our AI generator). You can have your project briefed and sent over to a designer in a matter of minutes. 
  • Intuitive revisions: make your revision comments intelligible. Our user-friendly revision tool makes it super easy to annotate with precision, compare versions, and share the creative with other members of your team.
  • Project tracker: sick of having to sift through email threads to find the link you’re after? ShuttlerockCloud makes it easy to track and manage all of your active, completed, and draft projects.




#3 Never miss a deadline with speedy turnaround times

There’s nothing worse than having a rapidly approaching due date, but you’re still waiting for your video creative to be delivered. This is becoming more of an issue as the pace of digital shows no sign of slowing down. 

It’s not just that normal deadlines are becoming tighter and tighter. The landscape‌ in general is very changeable and leads to unexpected creative requirements springing up without any notice. For example, your creative fatigued quicker than expected, or maybe you need to make some adjustments to your messaging, or a new trend started that you’d like to tap into.

CaaS makes it easier to be quick and agile with your creative as (1) ShuttlerockCloud helps streamline the process, and (2) the production creative itself is given a headstart because we work from your existing assets, rather than starting from scratch. Our design team can work with everything from product renders and lay flats, through to user-generated content (UGC) and photo-shoot imagery. 

With these assets as a starting point, our design team can turnaround your video creative in a matter ‌of days, rather than weeks.


#4 Say goodbye to budget blowouts

Creative has unfortunately developed a reputation for always going over budget. This happens because it’s extremely difficult to predict the amount of creative you’ll need, combined with the fact that traditional creative pricing models (billable hours and unit-costs) keep adding to the bottom line with each new requirement. 

With CaaS, on the other hand, costs are fixed. Through a CaaS license you are provided with the production capacity that will provide all your creative needs for a set, consistent price. 

This cost-certainty provides a lot of benefits. First, it makes your relationship with your finance department a lot easier! ‌Second, it makes it easier to be agile and jump at opportunities as they present quickly rather than waiting around to get budget sign-off. Lastly, it makes it easier to plan ahead as you have full knowledge of upcoming creative costs. 


You can count on CaaS 

With CaaS, producing high-quality, on-brand video creative becomes a lot quicker and less complicated. In order words, it transforms what was once scary into something simple. 

If you’d like to see for yourself, please feel free to request a demo. Or, if you have any questions, please get in touch.

Start Creating High-Quality On-Brand Video Creative Today