Press Release

Hulu + Shuttlerock: Opening The Door To Streaming TV For SMB Advertisers

Shuttlerockers and Hulugans unite! We're extremely excited to announce that we're teaming up with leading premium streaming service, Hulu!

Forged with the common goal of making it both easy and accessible for brands (no matter their size) to produce video ads for streaming TV, this announcement comes in conjunction with Hulu’s recently announced Ad Manager, a self-service advertising solution that opens the door to small-to-medium-sized businesses (SMBs) wanting to connect with the streaming generation. Our in-house creative teams add the missing piece to this puzzle, working with brands to produce affordable, handcrafted, TV-ready video ads that are optimized for Hulu’s best practices and specifications.


TV advertising no longer sits solely with the big brands

For smaller businesses with lower budgets in both ad production and media spend, there has often been a huge barrier to entry when it comes to advertising on linear TV. This is because, when people think of TV ads, they often envision the big, glitzy, super-bowl halftime commercials created with production budgets that many feature films would look upon with envy. It is only the top global brands that have the financial backing for this style of production, leading to TV being seen as a playground reserved for the biggest of advertisers. 

As a Hulu Creative Services Provider, Shuttlerock aims to provide SMBs with a unique solution to this problem, enabling them to develop bespoke, TV-ready video creative by re-purposing existing brand assets. Rather than hiring out a sound stage and a film crew, our in-house creative team, comprised of animators, motion graphic designers, creative strategists, and art directors, work in unison to produce high-quality video without the head-aches and lengthy process of a fully-fledged original shoot. This streamlined approach coupled with our proprietary tech, ‘Shuttlerock Studio’, keeps costs low whilst also allowing for speedy turnaround times and unmatched scale. 

Our production abilities combined with Hulu’s user-friendly Ad Manager equips brands with the tools required to successfully enter and prosper within this once inaccessible medium.


Boiled down, this will enable advertisers to:

  • Produce high-quality TV-ready creative video assets at affordable prices;
  • Order from ‘Shuttlerock Studio’ and deploy with ease via Hulu’s Ad Manager;
  • Stream your ads amongst premium content including current TV hits, classic favorites, and binge-worthy Hulu Originals.


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