
Set Your Amazon Stores Up for Success with Premium Creative

Stores should be a key part of any marketer’s Amazon selling strategy. They enable you to tell your brand story and showcase your full product catalog within an immersive microsite

Amazon Stores allow you to create a shopping experience that's completely unique to your brand. Each Store is made up of customizable pages, which contain various sections of tiles. These tiles can be used to present different types of content, such as video, imagery, text, and products. 

Regardless of how you customize your Amazon Store, having effective creative will go a long way in helping it achieve strong performance. Featuring impactful, optimized, and on-brand creative assets will allow you to create a cohesive and captivating experience for shoppers – ultimately leading to higher conversion rates.

In this article, we will explore some of the creative strategies that will help turn your Amazon Store into a successful shopping destination.


1. Feature diverse creative elements, but maintain consistency

The best Amazon Stores consist of multiple pages. There’s the main home page, but also multiple sub-pages linked out from the top navigation – just like your main website. These can focus on specific product categories or highlight certain aspects of your brand story. Stores with 3+ pages see 83% higher shopper dwell time and 32% higher attributed sales per visitor. 

Within each page, we recommend using a variety of different tile types. There are many options to choose from: images, videos, shoppable images, featured deals, product grids, etc. By featuring a diverse mix of tiles, you’re able to create a richer experience for shoppers. 

When shoppers navigate through your store, exploring its different pages, it should feel like a cohesive experience. This is achieved by ensuring that the creative being used for each tile has consistent branding and is designed in a way that complements the other tiles surrounding it.



A great example of a Store with both creative diversity and consistency can be seen above from supplement brand AlgaeCal. The Store has multiple pages, each of which features a variety of creative elements. However, when you navigate between the pages and interact with the sections, it feels like a cohesive, unified experience. This increases the time shoppers spend on the page, which, in turn, increases the likelihood of a conversion. 


2. Deliver impact with video

One of the best ways to engage shoppers is to use video tactically within your store. Video not only enables you to capture attention; it also allows you to communicate details about your brand and product(s) in a more efficient manner. 

Video tiles can be used in multiple different sizes, and they can either play on click or auto-play with sound disabled.




One of the most effective uses of video in Amazon Stores is to feature a full-width, autoplay video above-the-fold. The above-the-fold section is where most shoppers will first land on your Store. Therefore, it’s extremely important to make a strong first impression that will encourage shoppers to continue exploring. Video is a great way to do this. 

An example of an impactful, above-the-fold video can be seen above from cereal brand Catalina Crunch. The video engages shoppers through high-impact visuals showcasing their product range. Shoppers can then get more information about these products and navigate to their product detail pages (PDP) further down the page.


3. Feature a mix of people and product

Naturally, your Store will feature a lot of product-focused visuals. After all, the primary aim of your Store is to showcase and sell your products. Being too product-focused, however, can make it difficult for shoppers to associate what they’re seeing. This is why it’s a good idea to feature a mix of both product and people. 

When you show people interacting with or discussing your product, they function as a stand-in for the shopper themselves. This allows them to associate with the product and picture it being used within their own lives.



An effective way to achieve this is through customer testimonial videos. A great example of this can be seen above from AlgaeCal’s Store. By placing ‌the testimonial video among other product-focused visuals, AlgaeCal gets the best of both worlds: they get to showcase someone’s personal experience with the product, while at the same time communicating specific product benefits/details.   


4. Refresh your creative regularly 

The last strategy to set your Store up for success is to refresh your creative regularly. To keep shoppers engaged, your Store shouldn’t remain stagnant. In fact, Stores updated within the past 90 days see 21% more repeat visitors and 35% higher attributed sales per visitor.

There are many reasons to update your Store’s creative:

  • New product launches: Build hype for new products by giving them a prominent place on your Store.

  • Seasonality: Update your Store structure and its creative to suit the current season, while highlighting seasonally relevant products. 

  • Tent-pole events: Take full advantage of key shopping events such as Prime Day, Black Friday/Cyber Monday, and Christmas with themed versions of your store.

  • Testing/optimization: Test different creative concepts and configurations, then use Store metrics to measure performance and optimize future creative approaches accordingly.


Set your Amazon Store up for success, with Shuttlerock

As an official Amazon Ads partner, Shuttlerock can help you produce effective, optimized creative for Stores. Our scalability, fast turnaround times, and video expertise make us the perfect partner to help you set your Store up for success.

Shuttlerock can also support your brand with effective creative across Amazon’s other products: Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Display, Video Ads, etc.

If you would like to learn more about Shuttlerock’s solution and how it can help your brand, please request a demo, or get in touch with one of our crew members to set up a call.

Start Creating High-Quality On-Brand Video Creative Today