
Shuttlerock LIVE: Fast-Tracking Creative With Virtual Workshops

Introducing Shuttlerock Live: virtual creative workshops centred around one topic: creative advertising.LIVE CTA

Whether you’re settled into your new routine of working from home, or you’re still adjusting to this strange new reality, one thing remains the same - we are all in this together.

Among the biggest challenges of working remotely (other than trying not to eat all the snacks in your pantry) is the physical and emotional separation from colleagues. Globally, companies are having to rapidly change their business models, their supply chain management, and their advertising or messaging strategies. This takes collaboration and precise teamwork.

So, as we continue to be separated by time and space, how can we come together to tackle the challenges on the road ahead? How can we still be a high performing team – one that is interacting, learning, conversing and developing great ideas together –  when we’re not physically in the same place?

Here at Shuttlerock, we’ve been turning to digital solutions as a way to bring us closer to our customers, albeit from our living room…

Introducing Shuttlerock LIVE

Shuttlerock LIVE are virtual creative workshops where attendees join Shuttlerock experts for an interactive, collaborative experience centred around one topic: creative advertising.

These workshops are divided into two modules: Learn and Build. The educational aspect of Shuttlerock LIVE (‘Learn’) encompasses thought leadership sessions hosted by Shuttlerock experts. In these sessions we discuss creative trends, share digital advertising best practices, learn about mobile-first video ads, and view insights into emerging ad formats. 

However, the real magic of the day happens in the practical workshops (‘Build’) when theory is put into practice. Attendees collaborate with Shuttlerock designers to transform their existing campaign assets into mobile-optimized video ads, experiencing first-hand how their video ads are created and giving real-time feedback. Not only is the day educational, but advertisers walk away with a completed suite of video ad creative optimized for the platform/s of their choice. Creative in hours, not weeks!

These virtual creative workshops are a solution for smart advertisers who want to connect, upskill and stay in tune with a constantly evolving advertising landscape. We’ve transformed in-person creative workshops into a fully immersive virtual experience, so that advertisers can communicate, collaborate, and co-create from anywhere on Earth.

Shuttlerock’s mission has always been to help advertisers overcome the challenges of creative production. Shuttlerock LIVE does just this, with an added splash of education, a dash of designer engagement, and we’ve turned up the heat on turnaround time to really get things cooking for advertisers around the world.

Les Mills: a Virtual Success

In partnership with Facebook, Les Mills recently joined the Shuttlerock team in a dedicated virtual creative workshop ready to witness first-hand the power of Shuttlerock LIVE.

With their existing creative assets in hand and a vision of transforming them into stunning video ads for a direct response campaign based on their workout app ‘Les MillsTM On Demand’, everyone set to work. After a morning of educational workshops, attendees broke out into smaller virtual groups, each containing a Shuttlerock designer and a Les Mills attendee, and the creative process began.

Via immersive virtual spaces - where screens are shared and mics are turned on - the brand expert (Les Mills) and the creative design expert (Shuttlerock) from each group were able to collaborate, iterate, amend, and produce high-quality creative ads ready for immediate deployment.

This proximity to Shuttlerock’s design process gave Les Mills a sneak peak behind the production curtain, glimpsing our creatives at work. Attendees were able to walk away from the workshop with both a library of new creative assets and newly acquired production knowledge.

Chris Asahara, Head of Social and Content at Les Mills, summed it up nicely: “The best part of Shuttlerock LIVE was the collaboration, speed, and creativity that flowed through the entire process. It really helped us think outside the box and gave us inspiration on how we can push the creative boundaries.”

To Infinity and Beyond

Shuttlerock LIVE is the newest form of digital innovation at Shuttlerock and we’re excited to share it far and wide. As we continue to roll out Shuttlerock LIVE on a global scale, brands all around the world are able to realise that creating high-quality, low-cost video ads - in as little as 6 hours - is not hindered by physical distance, but actually accentuated by it. Virtual workshops enable closer communication and tighter collaboration. In the midst of a Covid-19 world, it’s crucial to adapt to new realities, in this case, providing an engaging, interactive experience which makes physical distance irrelevant.

The true success of any new project stems from the innovative and inspiring partners we work with, who continue to push boundaries and reimagine what’s possible. So, are you ready to immerse yourself in Shuttlerock LIVE?

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